

Also appears as "RGE Discos", "RGE Alta Fidelidade"or "RGE Hi-FI" on logos
Brazilian label. RGE is a acronym for "Rádio Gravações Especializadas", as the label was named when it was founded in 1947 by broadcasters and publicists José Roberto Whitaker Penteado and José Scatena when they joined to create a jingle record company in São Paulo.
The label was a Brazilian pointer in outsourcing the production of records, since from its first releases it made the manufacture and distribution to be in charge of third parties.

Sub label is Discos RGE, appearing on releases between 1971 and 1980.
During the early years, RGE has associated with some foreign labels such as RGE Dot, RGE Onix, Rge Carrere, RGE CGD, RGE Everest

For company credits, see:
-Rádio Gravações Especializadas RGE Ltda (1947-1958)
-Discos RGE Ltda. (1957-1972)
-Discos RGE/Fermata Ltda. (1971-1980)
-Comercial Fonográfica RGE Ltda. (1980+)

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